IRIX 6.5 Applications 1999 May
SGI IRIX 6.5 Applications 1999 May.iso
Text File
199 lines
MMMMkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp((((1111)))) MMMMkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp((((1111))))
mkhelp - make a help book
mmmmkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp [-fa] [-fi] [-si] [-nl] [-pub] [-comp] [-bkdb book_database] [-sl
stop_list] [-output out_directory] book_name
MMMMkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp makes a help book given the name of the book to make. Although
mmmmkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp will run over a networked file system (such as NFS), we highly
recommend that this program be run on the file server where the book is
found. Performance can be up to 10 times better when run locally.
MMMMkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp first looks to see if the book database (given either in the
.ebtrc file or on the command line) exists. If it does not exist, it is
created and initialized. Thus, to create a new book database, mmmmkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp
should simply be run with either no parameters, or just the -bkdb
parameter. If a valid book database already exists, mmmmkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp looks for a
directory in the book database directory named _b_o_o_k_s . Within this
directory, mmmmkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp looks for a directory named _b_o_o_k__n_a_m_e, where book_name
is given on the command line. Within this directory, mmmmkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp looks for a
file named _b_o_o_k__n_a_m_e._s_g_m . Within the book directory, there should also
be a directory called _s_t_y_l_e_s, containing the ascii style sheets for the
book. Often, this directory is a symbolic link to a directory containing
the stylesheets for a given DTD.
MMMMkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp works in three stages. First, the sgml file is compiled into a
database directory, producing the directory _e_b_t . Second, any toc
stylesheets are used to build table of contents directories which are
also stored in the _e_b_t directory . Finally, the index for the book is
created, and stored in the index database.
Once mmmmkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp has run, you can remove the .sgml file from the book
directory (still save it somewhere for later revisions), since the
resulting files contain all of the information needed to display an sgml
MMMMkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp uses the .ebtrc file to find configurations. The .ebtrc file is
found by the following method. EBTRC should be set to
/usr/share/Insight/system.insightrc. If the EBTRC environment variable
is set, its values is taken to be the path of the .ebtrc file. If not,
the current directory is searched for a .ebtrc file. Finally, the user's
home directory is searched for the .ebtrc file. The following
configurations are used by MMMMkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp....
BOOK_DBASE, if set, is used as the database directory for books. The
-bkdb command line option overrides this setting.
DATA_DIR is used to find EBT general data, such as the help document.
This should be set to the EBT data directory which is
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 1111
MMMMkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp((((1111)))) MMMMkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp((((1111))))
----ffffaaaa force all operation involved in the making of the book. All
stages of the book are made regardless of when they were last
made and if they are up to date. This option should be used
when making books with a newly released version of mmmmkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp....
----ffffiiii forces just the making of the full text index. The index is
remade regardless of when it was last made and if it is out of
date or not.
----ssssiiii suppresses the making of the full text index. The index is not
made, regardless of when it was last made, or if it was last
----nnnnllll sets no locking mode to on. In this case, books will not be
locked. You are on your own to make sure that two users don't
make the same book at the same time. Use this when the network
will not allow locks to work correctly.
----mmmmeeeemmmm ssssiiiizzzzeeee sets the amount of memory mmmmkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp will use to ssssiiiizzzzeeee megabytes.
The more memory used, the fewer flush files are created. By
default, mmmmkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp uses only 4 MB on UNIX systems.
----ppppuuuubbbb sets publishing to on. In this mode, mmmmkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp will create a book
which is certified for publication for use with a stand-alone
browser. It will print a message giving you the serial number
which you should use to allow browsers to read this book.
----ccccoooommmmpppp sets compression on. In this mode, mmmmkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp will create a book
which is more compressed than the norm. This might hurt
----bbbbkkkkddddbbbb bbbbooooooookkkk____ddddaaaattttaaaabbbbaaaasssseeee
Sets the book database directory to book_database. This
overrides the BOOK_DBASE setting in the .ebtrc.
----ssssllll ssssttttoooopppp____lllliiiisssstttt
Sets the stop list file for the indexer to stop_list. The full
path is DATA_DIR/index/stop_list.stp. Any words on this list
are not indexed.
----oooouuuutttt oooouuuuttttppppuuuutttt____ddddiiiirrrreeeeccccttttoooorrrryyyy
specifies a directory in which to output sgml data. This
directory better not be the book directory, or else you will be
warned an no directory will be used. The outputted information
is an equivalent SGML file(s) containing unique EBTIDs, such
that link information can be kept valid from revision to
revision of the document.
bbbbooooooookkkk____nnnnaaaammmmeeee Sets the name of the book to make to book_name. This option is
required by
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 2222
MMMMkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp((((1111)))) MMMMkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp((((1111))))
To make a book in the book database specified in the .ebtrc file, you
might use this command:
mkhelp my_book
To make a book in the my_book_database, try this command:
mkhelp -bkdb my_book_database my_book
To make a book without a full text index, try this command:
mkhelp -si my_book
To force the making of a book, but to leave out the full text index, try
mkhelp -fa -si my_book
To force just the full text indexing of a book, use this command:
mkhelp -fi my_book
Along the way, mmmmkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp will try to keep the user informed of its progress.
In most cases, it will not perform an operation if it can recognize that
the operation has been performed since the last modification to the
source file. Of course, it will notify the user about any operations it
deems unnecessary to perform. If mmmmkkkkhhhheeeellllpppp finds an error in the sgml file
or in a style sheet, it will print a friendly error message and abort.
In this case, you should contact the person responsible for publishing
the book.
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 3333